Nutritional Environment

Nutritional Environment Best Practices:  The following are best practices or regulatory standards used to evaluate your school’s nutritional environment in the Healthy Champions Assessment. 

  • Students get at least 20 minutes of seated lunch time.  
  • Schools use techniques to improve appeal and palatability (i.e., taste tests, incentives, pre-slicing fruit, re-arranging the serving line, signage, changing portion size, present food in a new way, or new names for food). 
  • Schools have established nutrition standards for food and beverages provided to students outside of the school lunch program (i.e., celebrations and rewards).  
  • Students have access to free, clean drinking water through water fountains and bottle fillers.  
  • Schools provide nutrition professionals annual opportunities for professional development.  

Breakfast in the Classroom

Healthy Snacking

Beverages and Hydration

Eating Healthy in the Cafeteria

A Guide to Smart Snacks in School

CDC's Nutrition Standards for Food in Schools

USDA Team Nutrition Resources - Webinars and Training

USDA MyPlate

Active Parties - Action for Healthy Kids

Healthy Fundraising - Action for Healthy Kids

Nourish Curriculum