Behavior Management

Managing Externalizing Behaviors 

Externalizing behaviors are problem behaviors that are directed toward the external environment, which cause impairment or interference in life functioning. This is not to be used as a diagnostic tool. 

Common types of externalizing behaviors observed in students are attention deficits, hyperactivity, opposition, defiance, bully-like behaviors and social inappropriateness. 

What you can do with students showing these types of externalizing behaviors: 

  • Build and maintain appropriate and positive relationships. Find common interests, engage with students other than just academics, join students for lunch or down time, and/or attend extracurricular activities. 
  • Be aware of your tone, rate, volume and body language when addressing a situation or specific student. 
  • Maintain composure and be willing to remove yourself or be asked to remove yourself from a situation if needed. 
  • Provide students the opportunity to feel needed or give them a purposeful, specific task to complete. 
  • Actively engage all students. 
  • Consider why the student is doing what (s)he is doing. 
  • Consider your own emotional state (avoid over-reacting based on your own personal status). 
  • Check in with students at first sign of concern (on individual basis). Click here to reference tips for tough conversations. 
  • Use I statements when talking with students (i.e “I feel”…, “I noticed”..). 
  • Be aware of classroom and building setting and events. 
  • Be honest and open with students. Be willing to admit mistakes, let them know you are human. 
  • Always maintain confidentiality. 

NEXT STEPS: If behaviors do not improve, or continue at a level of concern, please take the following step(s): Communicate with appropriate staff members (counselors, principal, etc.) in regard to your concerns or observations. Always err on the side of caution. If you think of it as a concern, it is a concern. 

Externalizing behaviors typically observed in the classroom include the following: 

  • Attention Difficulties: Staring off into space frequently, making simple/silly mistakes, talking to peers, playing with materials/in desk, missing directions (asking for repetition), missing assignments, not following through with homework struggling to follow classroom rules, disorganization. 
  • Hyperactivity: Constantly fidgeting and moving, talking when not supposed to, messing with other people’s stuff (desk, locker), excessive talking, shouting out, roaming around the room and frequent requests to leave to room or go to the restroom. 

Click here to view the do’s and don’ts when managing a student who exhibits Attention Difficulties/Hyperactivity. 

  • Opposition/Defiance: Arguing, not following rules, refusal to follow rules/shutting down, doing opposite of what asked to do, quick to anger/short temper, easily annoyed, vengeful, lack of caring/apathy (to consequences, other people’s feelings), blame others for mistakes or misbehaviors, mean or disrespectful to staff. 

Click here to view the do’s and don’ts when managing a student who exhibits Opposition/Defiance. 

  • Bully-like Behaviors: Initiates physical aggression, mean/disrespectful to peers (not all bullies suffer from an externalizing condition, but many with externalizing conditions engage in bully-like behaviors, at least from time-to-time). 
  • Social Inappropriateness: Lack of awareness or struggles to follow social norms (rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group), in other people’s personal space/belongings, struggles to read others, lack of awareness or care as to how behavior impacts others (including inappropriate ways to gain peer or staff attention). 

Click here to view the do’s and don’ts when managing a student who exhibits Bully-like Behaviors and/or Social Inappropriateness. 

Managing Internalizing Behaviors 

Internalizing behaviors are behaviors that result from negativity that is focused inward. People with internalizing behaviors have difficulty coping with negative emotions or stressful situations so they direct their feelings inside. This is not to be used as a diagnostic tool. 

Common types of internalizing behaviors observed in students are anxiety/worry, depression/grief, and trauma/attachment. Internalizing behaviors share many of the same behaviors. 

Behaviors typically observed in the classroom include the following: 

  • Anxiety/Worry 
  • Irritable or agitated, restless and/or fidgety, forgetfulness/lack of concentration, excessive tiredness, excessive worry or fear, increased/new complaints of headaches or stomach aches, attendance concerns, physical fidgets (pulling hair, nail biting, head banging, etc.).
  • Depression/Grief
  • Depressed mood or irritable, decreased interest for pleasure or activities, change in weight or appetite, change in sleep, restless, fatigue, guilt or feeling worthless, poor concentration, thoughts of suicide, observed lack of emotion, hopelessness, loss of interest in activities, attendance concerns.
  • Trauma/Attachment
  • Crying, shutting down, argumentative/angry, startles easily (0verreacts to stimuli), verbally aggressive, observed lack of emotion, hopelessness or guilt, mood swings and/or erratic behavior, withdrawn, change from the norm, socially, wetting pants, loss of interest in activities, rumors or talk of student engaging in risky behaviors outside of school (rugs & alcohol, danger-seeking), cutting and self-harm behaviors, increased behavioral referrals, new attendance concerns 

Click here to view the do’s and don’ts when managing a student who exhibits internalized behaviors. 

NEXT STEPS: If behaviors do not improve, or continue at a level of concern, please take the following step(s): Communicate with appropriate staff members (counselors, principal, etc.) in regard to your concerns or observations. Always err on the side of caution. If you think of it as a concern, it is a concern.