Tackling Breast Cancer in the Workplace

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to honor, recognize and support those who have been impacted by this devastating disease. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. About 1 in 8 women will develop the disease during their lifetime, and many women are diagnosed in their prime working years.

For those diagnosed, breast cancer can have a major effect on all aspects of life, including at work. Many breast cancer survivors continue working throughout treatment or return to work shortly thereafter, which is why it is so important to discuss helpful tips and key things to consider when working with cancer.

Throughout the month of October, we will be taking to our social media pages to talk with our followers about the impact of breast cancer at work. Follow along on Facebook and Twitter at hashtag #workingwithcancer to share your experiences, ask questions, or just learn more about navigating this complex topic.

We’ll be using your questions and insights to develop an FAQ about breast cancer in the workplace, offering helpful information and suggestions. Keep an eye out toward the end of October, when we’ll post this FAQ on our website. Health Advocate also currently offers resources for employers about the impact of breast cancer on the workplace.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month also serves as a great reminder to be screened for breast cancer if recommended by your doctor. To learn more about breast cancer screenings, visit the CDC website here, and talk to your doctor to discuss when you should begin screenings and how often is right for you.

For Health Advocate Members

If you are a Health Advocate member, call your Personal Health Advocate for help scheduling an appointment to talk with your doctor about breast cancer screening and what is recommended for you. Additionally, if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer, your Personal Health Advocate can help you find appropriate specialists and make appointments. And if you have our EAP+Work/Life service, your Work/Life specialist can provide additional resources to help with related concerns, including navigating breast cancer in the workplace.

Other Helpful Resources

These are just a few of the many great resources available that provide additional information about breast cancer as well as screening:

Original source https://blog.healthadvocate.com/2014/10/tackling-breast-cancer-in-the-workplace/