Offers resources to help create a healthy school climate by implementing non-food rewards and templates for including non-food rewards within a wellness policy.
View ResourceDesigning health education curricula can be challenging, the CDC provides a list of characteristics to aid in the design of an Effective Health Education Curriculum.
View ResourceView a resources to help schools increase access to drinking water. The toolkit includes: how to conduct a needs assessment, how to implement healthy practices and steps to evaluate the efficacy of those practices.
View ResourceFind resources for family engagement to help schools provide parents with tools to promote parent leadership and education.
View ResourceValuable resources provided to help create health education curriculum with clear expectations.
View ResourceTo promote student health, prevent obesity and combat problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity, Congress passed the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act in 2004, which required all local education agencies (LEAs) that participate in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program to develop and implement a local school wellness policy. View templates, webinars and resources to create a local school wellness policy.
View ResourceThe quantitative assessment tool helps score and improve local School Wellness Policies. All WellSAT items reflect the federal law or best practices. The purpose of scoring your district policy is to identify where it is strong and where it could be improved.
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